Exploring networks in Orange

All information on installing Orange for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux are on the project website. To follow the 1st and 2nd tutorial also install Orange Bioinformatics extension.

FragViz: optimizing fragmented network

In tutorial we first show how to transform a distance matrix to the network by connecting vertices above selected threshold. Network components are than named according to GO terms and optimized using the FragViz algorithm. The data used in this tutorial is available online.

link: video tutorial on optimizing a fragmented network

Color the vertices according to leukemia type

In this tutorial vertices of a network are colored according to the gene expression in different leukemia types. The data used in this tutorial is available online.

link: video tutorial on coloring the vertices according to leukemia type

Loading a network file

A short tutorial on how to load the network file and additional network data in Orange.

link: video tutorial on loading a network file